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Age of Sail乗組員 / 艦上の音楽 / TheShannonAndTheChesapeake
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The Shannon and the Chesapeake

The Shannon and the Chesapeake

Now the Cheasapeake so bold sailed from Boston we've been told, For to take the British frigate neat and handy-o! The people in the port all came out to see the sport, And the bands were playing "Yankee Doodle Dandy-O!"

The British frigate's name, which for the purpose came To cool the Yankee courage neat and handy-o, Was the Shannon - Captain Broke, all her men were hearts of oak. And at fighting were allowed to be the dandy-o.

The fight had scarce begun ere they flinched from their guns, Which at first they started working neat and handy-o. Then brave Broke he waved his sword, crying, "Now, my lads, aboard, And we'll stop their playing 'Yankee Doodle Dandy-O.'"

They no sooner heard the word than they quickly jumped aboard, And hauled down the Yankee colors neat and handy-o; Notwithstanding all their brag, now the glorious British flag At the Yankee mizzen peak was quite the dandy-o.

Here's a health, brave Broke, to you, to your officers and crew, Who aboard the Shannon frigate fought so handy-o; And may it always prove, that in fighting and in love, The British tar forever is the dandy-o.

この曲の収録CD http://www.sailingnavy.com/modules/reference/entry.php?entryID=417&categoryID=44

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最終更新: 2012-03-10 (土) 21:27:49 (JST) (4577d) by ゲスト
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