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The First of June

The First of June

‘Twas on the twenty-eighth of May, the morning being clear, A fleet to windward we espied, they Frenchmen did appear. The signal for the same being made, the chase was soon begun; And then for battle we prepared to show monsieurs some fun. Our ship being cleared, the foe we neared, with expectations high, That we should show the murderous foe, That British courage still will flow, to make them strike, or die!

The famed Bellerophon began her cannons first to play Upon a three-decked ship of theirs, which could not run away. Our hearts of gold their shot well told, in showers about her side, ‘Til the Leviathan came up, the battle to divide. Then seeing plain ‘twas quite in vain the contest more to try, She struck, and this does show, That British courage still will flow, to make them strike, or die!

Night coming on the battle ceased, ‘til Phoebus rose again, When we beheld this traitorous fleet still vaunting on the main. Our line being formed, and all hearts warmed, the fight was soon renewed, Determined to hand down that flag which with contempt we viewed. Lord Howe engaged their hottest rage; he broke their line to try If such maneuvers would not show That British courage still would flow, to make them strike, or die!

The battle warmly was maintained, much valor was displayed, ‘Til night with all her sable train the action still delayed. Now since again all o’er the main these rebels can’t be found, We’ll toast our admirals in our glass; our girls, too, shall go round. Each heart shall sing, “Long live the King!” and each again reply, “If e’er we’re called again we’ll show That British courage still shall flow, to make them strike, or die!”

この曲の収録CD http://www.sailingnavy.com/modules/reference/entry.php?entryID=417&categoryID=44

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